Oh Tea How We Love You...Let Us Count The Ways

1) You come in so many flavors. No matter what we are in the mood for, you are always there

2) Although we adore you warm, putting you on ice is totally an option for any time of the year!

3) You are the beverage equivalent of comfort food

4) You often come in lovely packaging and make an excellent gift

5) Your smell floats around the house. You are like a mini humidifier on a cold day!

6) and on and on and on....

Perhaps you are already a tea connoisseur. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you are cutting back on the coffee and looking for a replacement. No matter what your level of tea obsession, here are some of our personal favorites to add to your collection!!

Know in the Swan realm as "best tea", Good Earth Sweet and Spicy is an absolute must own! (there is a caffeinated version as well!)

This Tulsi Vanilla Creme Tea by Organic India is absolutely wonderful!

The New Mexico Tea Company has two that we love, Chocolate Mint and Hot Cinnamon, and so many more we want to try!

DAVIDsTEA has a limited edition tea that is perfect for your holidays. Snow Day is everything you hope it to be!

Take your Earl Grey to the next level with Mariage Freres's Earl Grey French Blue.

This Kukicha Twig tea is best served with maple syrup and almond milk!

Don't let the name deter you from falling in love with this Harney & Sons tea. It is not just for special occasions!

You have heard us talk about the health benefits of turmeric before! This Turmeric Ginger tea by Rishi is delicious and nutritious! Buy it loose or in tea bags!

This Licorice Spice Herbal Tea will make your insides happy!

Concerned about the buying loose leaf tea? This tea pot will change your life!