Gluteus Medius

Our #gloriousglutes series continues with a #Shortyswan lesson on the Gluteus Medius. Stay tuned for at-home exercises and articles to continue your glute education!


The Gluteus Medius muscle originates from the outer surface of your ilium and inserts on your greater trochanter. It is sometimes called the deltoid of the hip, as it resembled the deltoid in your shoulder. Like the deltoid, glute med holds the outside of the joint from the top to the side, kind of like a shoulder pad, or a hand holding the outside of the joint.


The main function of the glute med is to abduct the leg (move it away from center) and to assist slightly in medial (internal) rotation. When lying on your side, the Glute Med should be the main mover in your side leg lift. It is also a key stabilizer when standing on one leg and walking. In the picture above you see a stabilized pelvis on the left and on the right, a pelvis that is not properly stabilized by the glutes. The glute med helps to keep the top of your femur from sliding laterally (to the side) and thus helps secure the head of the femur more soundly in the hip socket -- it helps make space in your hip socket and helps the weight of your torso transfer through your legs in a healthy way.  


A healthy, strong set of Gluteus Medius muscles helps protect your back, your knees, your feet and ankles. It is a massively important muscle used to control alignment through your legs, ankles and feet. Maintaining strong glute meds can help conditions such as piriformis syndrome, runners knee, ankle instability and more. Stay tuned for ways to strengthen these puppies!