Big Changes at The Swan!

Dear Swan clients and friends!

There are some big changes happening at The Swan this spring. Julia is moving out of the city to the midwest and her last day of teaching at The Swan is April 1! The tears of sadness and joy are falling from all of our eyes (and hers!) as we wish her so much happiness in her new ventures!

Since Julia is such an integral part of The Swan we do not feel right continuing the studio in the same way. We will continue our blog and are currently working on a contact page featuring all of the amazing Swan instructors, staff and interns who have contributed to this community over the past few years. will become a landing place for interesting reads, at home programs, instructor information, and lots of Swan love but will no longer be the landing page for our Manhattan studio. We will finish the edits of the website by the end of March so so check back with us! Heads up - we are in the process of taking down online scheduling so email is the best way to reach us for appointments!

This studio change also means a transition for current clients. As we move into March and April, you will contact your instructor directly for all scheduling and payments. As your current package runs out, your instructor will walk you through all of the details involved in this transition. Please see the complete contact list below and feel free to reach out to your teacher now with questions!

You may be concerned about your continued practice - we completely understand. All of the current Swan instructors will either be teaching in the Pilates studio at Broadway Healing Arts (our current location in suite 403) or at other locations in the city. It is our intention to assist all clients in continuing with their practice! We have a wonderful network of instructors both here and all around NYC!

Have immediate questions on how to continue your practice? Please email us at or ask your instructor the next time you see them in the studio.

Thank you SO very much for your continued support of The Swan. We endlessly appreciate our clients. Here's to lots of positive changes, love and great Pilates to keep us moving onward!


Eleanor and Julia

Teachers Contact Information

Johanna Meyer  . . . 

Travis Sisk  . . .

Alaina Mallory  . . .

Emma Fitzsimmons  . . .

Kathryn Meany  . . .

Katie Vason  . . .

Alexis Zaccarello  . . .

Julia Edwards  . . .

Eleanor Hullihan  . . .